We were pleased to collaborate with the team of Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Ltd. and ZalaZONE Research & Innovationto participate in the creation of the following informative – scientific material. The short film is about secured communication between vehicles equipped with V2X technology. It can be seen on the M5, Duna World channels, and on the YouTube link below on Novum TV channel.
/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svg00Lengyel Henrietta/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svgLengyel Henrietta2022-08-30 14:21:142022-08-30 14:21:14Collaboration with the team of Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Ltd. and ZalaZONE Research & Innovation
Future transportation is expected to be connected, cooperative, and highly automated, posing new challenges for the automotive industry.
The Safety and Security Research Group at BME Automated Drive issued a new publication by authors Zsombor Pethő,Zsolt SZALAY, Ph.D. and Arpad TOROK focusing on safety matters of V2V communication, especially considering cyberattack-sensitive network performance and vehicle dynamics factors.
They have laid the foundations for a new test methodology, which allows the examination of safety and cybersecurity aspects together. This new concept will be applicable in the homologation and autonomous vehicle control as well.
Read the publication and learn more about the novel #SRI indicator and other #CCAM system safety factors here: https://lnkd.in/gJR8dNam
/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svg00Lengyel Henrietta/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svgLengyel Henrietta2022-08-30 14:16:532022-08-30 14:16:53A new publication of the Safety and Security group has published in the journal Vehicular Communications
A jövőbeli közlekedés várhatóan összekapcsolt, együttműködő és nagymértékben automatizált lesz, ami új kihívások elé állítja az autóipart.
A BME Automated Drive Lab Safety and Security Kutatócsoportja új publikációt adott ki PETHŐ Zsombor, SZALAY Zsolt, és az TÖRÖK Árpád a V2V kommunikáció biztonsági kérdéseire összpontosítva, különös tekintettel a kibertámadásokra érzékeny hálózati teljesítményre és a járműdinamikai tényezőkre.
Letették az alapjait egy új vizsgálati módszertannak, amely lehetővé teszi a biztonsági és a kiberbiztonsági szempontok együttes vizsgálatát. Ez az új koncepció a homologizációban és az autonóm járművezérlésben is alkalmazható lesz.
Olvassa el a kiadványt, és tudjon meg többet az új #SRI indikátorról és más #CCAM rendszerbiztonsági tényezőkről itt: https://lnkd.in/gJR8dNam
/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svg00Lengyel Henrietta/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svgLengyel Henrietta2022-08-30 14:09:562022-08-30 14:19:41Új publikációja jelent meg a Safety and Security csoportnak a Vehicular Communications folyóiratban
Vocational Training Diploma on Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles
The primary purpose of this project is to develop the teaching capacities in the field of Electrical and Hybrid cars in Jordan and bring together and strengthen the cooperation between companies and higher education institutions by empowering engineers with needed skills that meet the market need. This includes training specialized engineers who can work in servicing and maintaining electric vehicles in companies. Furthermore, vocational training centers are provided with qualified trainers to graduate qualified technicians that meet the market needs.
Companies are actively involved in the design of the teaching content in order to build a strong network in the field of electromobility. In addition, new learning methods and pedagogical approaches are used in this project to arouse the interest of the younger generations.
15th January 2021 – 14th January 2024
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
For further information and the list of partners please visit the website of ISEA.
Contact person:
Dr. Máté Zöldy ()
/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svg00Virt Márton/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/bme-at_logo_white_en01.svgVirt Márton2022-08-18 14:24:122022-08-18 14:24:12Developing the teaching capacities in the field of Electrical and Hybrid cars in Jordan