International Youth Innovation Competition Visits BME Department of Automotive Technologies

In an inspiring fusion of technology, innovation, and global collaboration, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) recently hosted 70 students from the prestigious Rong Chang Cup Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (YICGG) 2024. These young innovators, hailing from 29 countries, experienced a week of cutting-edge demonstrations, insightful presentations, and cultural exchange, emphasizing the theme “Global AI Governance: A New Era of Responsibility, Challenge, and Cooperation.”

Technological Immersion

The YICGG, organized by Fudan University and supported by the United Nations Development Programme, brings together brilliant minds from around the world to address pressing global issues through innovative solutions. This year’s competition, co-hosted by institutions in Hungary, provided participants with an immersive experience at BME’s Department of Automotive Technologies.

The department’s faculty showcased a variety of advanced technological demonstrations, including generative design in additive manufacturing, laboratory testing of vehicles, and cooperative environmental sensing with autonomous vehicles. Dr. Tamás Markovits, Dr. Péter Harth, and Dr. András Rövid led these sessions, offering deep insights into their specialized fields.

Interview with Veronica Rebreanu: An Expert’s Perspective

During the event, we had the opportunity to speak with Veronica Rebreanu, an international expert and veteran judge of the competition. Her enthusiasm for the program and the innovations presented was palpable.

What is your role in this program?

I’m a judge, evaluating projects as an international expert. This competition has grown increasingly sophisticated and well-organized over the years. I’m thrilled to be here at BME, where I see so much passion and dedication. The university’s programs are a testament to technological evolution from the 18th century to today. As a jurist, I find it fascinating to understand the technological advancements and how they are integrated into practical applications.

What impressed you most about the programs here?

The campus is extraordinary, seamlessly blending historical heritage with cutting-edge technology. The programs are dynamic and innovative, reflecting a living proof of technological advancement. It’s fascinating to see how imagination and technology push boundaries, proving that anything envisioned can eventually become reality. The dedication and passion of the people here are evident. It’s like a hobby for them, and when your job is like a hobby, you enjoy it immensely. This passion is infectious and drives innovation.

How do you perceive the students’ backgrounds and interests?

The students come from diverse backgrounds, and most have a solid understanding of their fields. I intentionally asked them challenging questions and was impressed by those who could engage deeply. This diversity in expertise is crucial for innovation, as it brings different perspectives and ideas. It’s important to have people from different areas of study, as they bring fresh insights and drive progress. Even silly questions can reveal who truly understands the subject matter, and this diversity is a strength.

Do cultural differences influence their scientific approaches?

Absolutely. This competition is invaluable because it gathers students from various cultures and educational systems, fostering a rich exchange of ideas. Different educational methods, whether rigid or flexible, shape how students think and innovate. This cultural exchange is essential for global cooperation and progress. Some educational systems are rigid, while others encourage freedom of expression and creativity. The question is, who is educating the educators? Exposure to different systems can break rigid patterns and foster innovation.

What is the final outcome of this competition?

It’s a comprehensive process. First, projects are selected based on proposals. Then, participants engage in Ignite Talks, where they present their ideas in a concise format. Students are placed in diverse teams, ensuring a mix of backgrounds and perspectives. This collaboration is crucial for developing well-rounded solutions. The competition includes a World Café, where teams present their projects to judges, receive feedback, and refine their ideas. The final presentations are judged on feasibility and impact. The process is intense but immensely rewarding.

Could you share some thoughts on your background and its influence on your role here?

I am not a specialist in technology but a jurist by profession. I was a judge in court before transitioning to academia. My experience in law and regulation provides a unique perspective on the ethical and societal implications of technological advancements. Educating future generations is my passion, and competitions like this keep me engaged and continuously learning. Being around innovative students is invigorating; they are often ahead of us in terms of technological knowledge, pushing us to stay updated and relevant.

Interview with a Participant from Vietnam

We also spoke with one of the participants, a student from Vietnam, to gain insight into the student perspective.

What is your impression of this program?

It’s fantastic. The presentations by professionals are incredibly informative. We saw exciting technologies like 3D lasers. This program is highly beneficial for our studies and future careers, as technology impacts every aspect of life.

Why is this interesting for your studies or life?

Many of us have backgrounds in technology and science, and this program aligns perfectly with our interests. Understanding these technologies allows us to apply them in daily life and in our careers, enhancing our knowledge and skills.

Demonstrations at BME Department of Automotive Technologies : A Glimpse into the Future

During their visit to the department, visitors were given hands-on demonstrations of developments of future technologies, making them tangible.

Generative Design in Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Tamás Markovits demonstrated how generative design is revolutionizing additive manufacturing. Students learned how to create complex, lightweight structures through 3D metal printing, showcasing the potential of this innovative technique.

Laboratory Testing of Vehicles
Dr. Péter Harth provided an in-depth look at vehicle performance testing. Participants observed the analysis of CAN data, emissions, torque, and performance evaluation, gaining practical insights into automotive engineering.

Cooperative Environmental Sensing with Autonomous Vehicles
Dr. András Rövid introduced the concept of real-time digital twin models for autonomous vehicles. The demonstration included the sensors required to create these models and an overview of object detectors operating on sensor data, highlighting advancements in autonomous technology.

A Global Perspective on Innovation

The YICGG 2024 at BME was more than just a competition; it was a melting pot of ideas, cultures, and technological advancements. As Veronica Rebreanu aptly noted, the interaction and socializing fostered during this event will lead to lasting friendships and collaborations, shaping the future of global governance and innovation. The students returned home not only with new knowledge but also with a network of peers and mentors, ready to tackle the world’s challenges with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

The research related to the developments presented by the demonstration about environmental perception was funded by the European Union under the National Laboratory for Autonomous Systems (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00002).

The 9th Children’s University at BME is a huge success!

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is hosting the Children’s University for the ninth time this year, attracting great interest in cars, especially self-driving vehicles.

The venues of the Department of Automotive Technologies are filled with children’s laughter and car horns in the second week of July. Dr. Zsolt Szalay, the head of the department, captivated the upper elementary school students with his lecture, just as he had in previous years. The Children’s University is offering exciting programs for the 8-14 age group, giving them a glimpse into university life. They are attending special lectures in large lecture halls and conducting fascinating experiments in smaller groups.

After his lecture, Dr. Zsolt Szalay remarked:

“It is a great joy for me to see the light of genuine curiosity in the eyes of the youngest generation because a researcher cannot exist without passionate curiosity. As a lecturer, there is a tremendous responsibility when interacting with this age group, as their experiences here can significantly influence their career choices and their entire lives, whether positively or negatively. But the responsibility goes beyond their individual futures. This generation, the next wave of researchers and thinkers, will play a crucial role in shaping the direction of humanity. The world around us is changing and evolving faster than ever before, and it is vital to consider the mindset with which humanity will harness technological advancements.”

The research related to the developments presented in the presentation was funded by the European Union under the National Laboratory for Autonomous Systems (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00002).

A Glimpse into the Future: Interview with Attila Faragó, a Recent Master in Autonomous Vehicle Control

Attila Faragó, a recent graduate with a master’s degree in autonomous vehicle control engineering, has had an extraordinary journey over the past few years. Starting from Kecskemét, he pursued his master’s degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and gained experience in Germany through an Erasmus scholarship. In this interview, conducted during a break in his final exams, Attila talks about his education, the advantages and challenges of dual education, and his future plans. He discusses the importance of research and development, his experiences in the industry, and his views on the current job market. Through the eyes of a young engineer, we get an insight into the exciting and challenging world of the automotive industry.

Now that you have completed this process, how do you look back on the past few years? Was it a good decision to choose this course?

Attila Faragó: Yes, I did my undergraduate studies in Kecskemét, but I thought it was important to do my master’s at BME. I chose the MSc program in autonomous vehicle control engineering because I was attracted to research and development and wanted to gain deeper knowledge. I don’t regret it; in fact, I also went on an Erasmus exchange to Braunschweig, Germany. The training portfolio there is also very broad, but this MSc program in autonomous vehicle control is unique.

How did your experience compare to your expectations?

Attila Faragó: The MSc program is much more collegial and focuses on the value of acquired knowledge. You can find the area that interests you and delve deeply into it, partly independently and partly through collaborative work at the department. This relationship was very constructive, and my dual education at Knorr-Bremse provided a wide range of knowledge.

Do you feel that the relationship between students and instructors is more supportive?

Attila Faragó: Yes, many courses were taught by doctoral students, which contributed to the success of joint projects. There were also project-based subjects where we could work with doctoral students, giving the education a more informal format.

What are your plans for the future?

Attila Faragó: The automotive industry is currently in a difficult situation; the company where I worked has announced a hiring freeze. My goal now is to find a full-time job, primarily in research and development. I am also interested in the quality assurance field, and in the long term, I can imagine moving abroad, especially to a German-speaking country. I have an intermediate level of German, which could be an advantage for finding a job abroad.

Do you consider moving abroad important for the experience or do you see broader opportunities there?

Attila Faragó: Both. There is a hiring freeze in Hungary, partly due to the economic situation in Germany. Getting into a German industrial or research and development company would be beneficial not only professionally but also for improving my German. This dual advancement would provide valuable experiences in the long term and open up more opportunities for me in the international job market.

Do you feel there are still things you need to learn after university education?

Attila Faragó: Many job advertisements expect specific knowledge and professional experience, which is quite unrealistic to acquire right out of university. There are few junior positions, and an MSc cannot be so specific as to delve deeply into a very specialized field. This can change with a thesis, as you can delve deeply into a specific area during a year of work.

If you do your thesis at a company, does that help build a network?

Attila Faragó: Yes, the goal of dual education is to help students easily integrate into the company after graduation. But the industry does not work like this now; there is no long-term strategy for workforce recruitment. Companies either hire a lot of people suddenly or no one, resulting in fluctuations.

It’s interesting, many company representatives say it’s important for them to connect with students early.

Attila Faragó: This is a good policy, but they do not consider it in the long term. When there is a good year, they expand; when it’s not so good, there is a hiring freeze. This does not ensure a consistent approach. Market processes regulate this, which does not favor long-term planning.

Thank you for the interview, and good luck in the future! Can we take a photo?

Attila Faragó: Of course!

Behind the Scenes of Final Exams: A Conversation with the Examination Board Members

The period of final exams is both exciting and challenging for every student. But what is the experience like from the other side? During a break at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics final exams, we had the opportunity to talk with the members of the examination board about their experiences and impressions.


  • Dr. Krisztián Bán, Associate Professor, Head of the Laser and Vehicle Manufacturing Technologies Research Group, Department of Automotive Technologies, BME, Chairman of the Examination Board
  • Dr. Krisztián Kun, Head of Vehicle Technology Research Group, Assistant Professor, John von Neumann University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
  • Sándor Geszti, Industrial Services Business Unit Director, TÜV Rheinland InterCert Ltd.
  • Tamás Zentai, Managing Director, Energotest Ltd.

What is your overall impression of the candidates?

Tamás Zentai: Overall, it’s very positive. We have assessed six candidates so far, five of whom were good and one was excellent. So, my overall impression is very good.

Dr. Krisztián Kun: Our impression is fundamentally positive. The students are well-prepared, not only professionally but also in their presentation skills. Although there are always a few exceptions, most of them presented their work confidently and clearly.

Sándor Geszti: I agree. Although some were nervous, which is natural, this can be overcome with practice in the future. It is crucial that students are able to answer questions and not freeze under pressure.

How well are the graduates prepared to enter the industry?

Tamás Zentai: This is an extremely interesting question. Integration into the real work environment is crucial because true development comes from practical experience. The university can only provide a foundation, but the real growth and learning occur in the actual engineering work. When a fresh graduate claims to be 60-90% ready, they are effectively hindering their own development, as real learning and progress happen after completing their university studies.

Sándor Geszti: Many students are already working in industrial companies while writing their theses, gaining direct experience with corporate processes and decision-making mechanisms. This provides them a significant advantage when starting their careers.

Dr. Krisztián Kun: Indeed, practical knowledge and experience in an industrial setting greatly contribute to the students’ readiness. Those already working in an industrial environment better understand corporate thinking and practical problems.

What practical knowledge is evident in the students, and what do they still need to develop?

Tamás Zentai: They show proficiency in scaling and simulations, but project and topic management is notably lacking. The ability to manage a development project precisely over time is a critical skill they still need to learn.

So, project management?

Tamás Zentai: Yes, both project and development topic management. This is a significant gap.

Sándor Geszti: It’s not so much a deficiency as an area for growth. Students should also learn to discuss the dead ends they encountered during their research. This can help others avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Dr. Krisztián Kun: Additionally, improving communication skills is important. Although most students performed well, there is always room for improvement. Public presentations and practice defenses can aid in this development.

How do you assess the students’ problem-solving skills?

Sándor Geszti: The students successfully resolved their tasks and received help where necessary. This indicates they are capable of effectively handling engineering problems.

Dr. Krisztián Bán: I agree. The impression from today is that the students have proven themselves capable of engineering work, whether individually or in groups.

Is there a difference between handling company and academic topics?

Dr. Krisztián Kun: Yes, students working in a corporate environment tend to use a more practical approach, while those focusing on academic topics tend to use a more theoretical approach. This naturally depends on their prior experiences.

What communication methods help in students’ preparation?

Tamás Zentai: It is important for students to develop self-awareness, which aids in improving communication skills. For instance, I used to record my practice presentations with a tape recorder, which helped me improve my presentation style.

Sándor Geszti: I support this method as well. Often, I rehearse what I want to say during car rides, which helps me clarify my message and improve my presentation skills.

In summary, how would you evaluate today’s performance?

Dr. Krisztián Bán: The students have demonstrated their capability for engineering work. The critical feedback was more about presentation skills rather than the technical content. Overall, we are very satisfied with today’s performance.

Interview with Zsolt Szalay, PhD. on the Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Zsolt Szalay, PhD, head of the Department of Automotive Technologies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, shared his thoughts on the future of autonomous vehicles and related research in Hungary in an interview with the online magazine

The Role of Autonomous Vehicles in Hungary

Dr. Zsolt Szalay emphasized that autonomous driving technology plays a crucial role in the future of the Hungarian automotive industry. Hungary aims to become not only a vehicle manufacturer but also a hub for vehicle technology development, supported by ZalaZONE testing infrastructure.

University Involvement and Education

Dr. Zsolt Szalay highlighted the significant focus of BME on collaborating with industry players and conducting research in the field of autonomous vehicles. To this end, they launched a master’s program in Autonomous Vehicle Control Engineering, tailored to meet the needs of industry partners.

Technological Developments and Innovation

During the interview, Dr. Zsolt Szalay presented achievements in cooperative environment sensing and autonomous vehicle control at dynamic limits. The latter research enables autonomous drifting, which has a substantial social impact by reducing the number of accidents.

Legal Challenges and Regulation

Dr. Zsolt Szalay also addressed the legal environment challenges, emphasizing that regulations must keep pace with the rapid technological advancements. Hungary plays a pioneering role in testing autonomous vehicles, as the entire road network has been available for this purpose since 2017.

The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

According to Dr. Zsolt Szalay, achieving full autonomy in vehicles is still a distant goal, but Level 4 autonomous driving, allowing the driver to hand over control on highways, could become available by the end of the decade. This means that even while driving to Lake Balaton, we can read or correspond in the car, with the autonomous system fully in control.

The full interview is available in Hungarian on the online magazine

Join Us at BeerUP Tech Fest 2024: A Dive into the Future of Autonomous Driving

We are pleased to announce that Ádám Bárdos, PhD from BME Automated Drive Lab will be delivering a presentation at the upcoming BeerUP Tech Fest. This highly anticipated event will take place on June 20, 2024, at 4:00 PM at Dürer Kert, a vibrant venue known for hosting innovative and engaging events.

The Evolution of Automotive Electronics and Autonomous Driving

Ádám Bárdos, founder and CEO of iMotionDrive, and a dedicated researcher and educator at BME for 14 years, will share his insights on the evolution of automotive electronics in the context of autonomous driving. His presentation, titled “Autonomous Driving in the Era of Software-Defined Vehicles,” will explore the transformative processes currently underway in automotive electronic platforms.

Key Topics of the Presentation

  1. Automotive Electronics Transformation:

Ádám Bárdos will delve into how modern vehicles are becoming increasingly similar to smartphones in terms of software functionality, while also highlighting the critical differences that ensure vehicle safety and reliability.

  1. BME’s Cutting-Edge Research:

Attendees will gain insights into the groundbreaking research conducted at BME to enhance the safety and functionality of autonomous vehicles. Ádám Bárdos will explain how these developments are poised to surpass even the skills of professional drivers, making autonomous driving a safer option on the roads.

  1. From Research to Real-World Applications:

The presentation will also cover how BME’s research results are transitioning into practical software products for the automotive industry. This includes a look at iMotionDrive, a startup/spinoff company from BME, which plays a pivotal role in bringing these innovations to market.

About BeerUP Tech Fest

BeerUP Tech Fest is a well-established summer event that brings together professionals from various tech industries. Held at Dürer Kert, the 2024 edition promises to be bigger than ever, featuring a mix of engaging professional topics, inspiring IT presentations, and refreshing beers. The evening will conclude with a live performance by the Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra, ensuring a perfect blend of professional development and entertainment.

Event Details:

  • Date: June 20, 2024
  • Time: 4:00 PM
  • Location: Dürer Kert, Budapest

This event is an excellent opportunity for industry professionals, academics, and enthusiasts to network, exchange ideas, and learn about the latest trends in autonomous driving and automotive technology.

For more information and to register for the event, please visit the event website.

Successful Measurement Campaign by BME Automated Drive Lab at the ZalaZONE Proving Ground!

We at BME Automated Drive Lab are excited to announce the successful completion of our latest measurement campaign at the AVL ZalaZONE Proving Ground in cooperation with Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH! This achievement was made possible through the dedication and expertise of our team and partners.

Our campaign focused on several key objectives. We tested relevant scenarios for Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) according to current standards, gathered validation data for virtual testing, and conducted drone measurements to enhance the ZalaZone Digital Twin. Additionally, we assessed the performance of the BME Central System and compared in-vehicle perception data with ground truth infrastructure data.

This success would not have been possible without the outstanding contributions from the cooperating partners. Jakob Reckenzaun, Martin Kirchengast, and Georg Nestlinger led the campaign with excellent preparation and professional oversight, providing a vehicle with automated driving functionality. András Rövid, Zsolt Vincze, and the BME Automated Drive Lab team participated with the BME vehicle and provided Central System Technology to support automated vehicle testing. Stefan Ladstätter and Daniel Maurer from  Joanneum Research Digital provided the MQTT Backend Server to fuse ground truth and environmental data.

We also received invaluable support from Bálint Tóth, Áron-Máté Heé, and the TÜV Rheinland Group for their expertise in scenario selection and participation with the TÜV vehicle. Leander Hörmann, Albert Pötsch, and Hermann Daniel Ortbauer from the Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH contributed high-precision real-time weather measurements. Ervin Kerekes and the AVL Hungary team provided outstanding support in organizing and providing measurement equipment. Felix Zust from Bernard Gruppe provided advanced camera-based infrastructure sensors, and Beata Bogár and Nóra Dobos from ZalaZONE InnoTech ensured flawless organization of the event.

Together, we conducted numerous test runs for various scenarios to push the boundaries of automated driving technology, ensuring its safety and efficiency. With the campaign now concluded, our team is diligently analyzing the data to derive meaningful insights that will inform future developments in automated driving systems.

The results of this campaign mark a significant milestone towards the integration of automated driving systems into daily life.

Safety First! Competition 2024: Celebrating Innovation in Vehicle Safety & Security

We’re thrilled to announce the successful completion of the Safety First! competition in 2024. With a total of five teams and 12 students showcasing their innovative ideas, the event highlighted crucial advancements in vehicle safety.

Out of the initial five teams, four advanced to the finals, demonstrating exceptional progress from ideation to implementation. Here’s a glimpse of the remarkable projects presented by the podium finalists:

  1. DBN-Sense: Introduced a hidden Markov model for predicting accident risk across various scenarios.
  2. The Crash Test Dummies: Developed a camera-based solution to mitigate wildlife-related traffic accidents.
  3. Connectivity Visionaries: Established an innovative test environment comparing DSRC and cellular technology-based applications to enhance the safety of vulnerable road users.

After rigorous evaluation, the final rankings were unveiled:

  • 1st Place: DBN-Sense
  • 2nd Place: The Crash Test Dummies
  • 3rd Place: Connectivity Visionaries

Congratulations to all the finalists for their outstanding contributions to advancing vehicle safety!

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our jury members from our industrial partners:


Péter Simányi, Jaguar Land Rover

Réka Enikő Jenei, Bosch

Thank you for your valuable work and contribution to the success of the competition!

European Defense Innovation Scheme (EUDIS) Hackathon calls for innovative solutions to enhance Europe’s security

In a bid to bolster Europe’s defense and security, Design Terminal has announced the EUDIS Hackathon. This initiative is part of the European Defence Fund and aims to revitalize the industry with innovative solutions. Targeting entrepreneurial-minded youth, the hackathon seeks solutions to three pre-defined challenges.

The hybrid-format hackathon will focus on digital and data-driven solutions to strengthen Europe’s defense capabilities. Participating teams are tasked with developing innovative proposals to address one of three predetermined challenges: maritime infrastructure protection, development of combat support systems, and cybersecurity.

If you have novel ideas or are eager to work out solutions to the industry’s challenges, seize the opportunity to participate in the EUDIS Hackathon scheduled for June 1st-2nd. Engage in a national-level competition and win a spot in the EU-level finals!

Why Apply?

  • Participation in workshops to build business skills
  • The winning team advances to an EU-level pitch competition
  • Access to valuable networking opportunities with mentors and key industry players
  • Chance to win a cash prize of 500,000 HUF

The deadline for applications is May 19th. For further information, visit