KATECH (Korea Automotive Technology Institute) employees were welcomed by BME Automated Drive Lab researchers

Daesung Kim and Young Ho, engineers from the Korea Institute of Automotive Technology, visited the Department of Automotive Technologies of the Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineeringg on October 27 to learn about the work of the Automated Drive Lab which was founded for the development and research of self-driving vehicles.

During the meeting, the members of the research group presented their results, future research directions, and also talked about the role of the RECAR Autonomous Vehicle Research Center, the topics of research and education are covered.

During the discussion with the Korean guests, the challenges of introducing automated systems to public roads, the importance of partnerships with global car manufacturers, and the development and testing of components for self-driving vehicles were also discussed. In addition to the professional challenges, the university researchers also discussed the business opportunities of introducing the developments to the market with the staff of KATECH.

The guests of the Automated Drive Lab expressed their appreciation for the research group’s work, achievements and educational programs for experts in the field.


Bosch-BME Meetup The future of electric powertrain development

The event, jointly organised by Bosch and BME, focused on the future of electric powertrains and trends in their development.

Sustainability, low fuel consumption and environmental protection are becoming more and more prominent in purchasing decisions, while alternatives to diesel and petrol cars are becoming increasingly important. In the future, the place of electric vehicles in mobility is unquestionable. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, both in the field of internal combustion engines and electric drives, which is why we organised an evening to discuss the future of electric powertrains with renowned lecturers from BME and Bosch development engineers.
During the presentations, panel discussions and informal conversations, a lot of useful information and questions were raised, hopefully helping to stimulate thinking and shaping attitudes on the subject.



3D metal printing at researchers’ night 2022

In our metal 3D printing laboratory, the presentation of our activities in the laboratory within the framework of the researchers’ night program took place again this year with full house interest. The participating visitors got information about the main steps of the printing process and the operation of the printing equipment. In addition, they had the opportunity to see quite a few metal printed parts and learn about their application.

Gábor Pauer, the researcher of the Safety and Security Research Group successfully defended his doctoral thesis

The expected spread of autonomous vehicles provides an opportunity to further improve the efficiency of traffic management processes. A possible solution is to model the process as a binary integer problem; however, the computational complexity of the problem based on the discretization of the traffic management processes in space and time is significant.

Gábor Pauer, the researcher of the Safety and Security Research Group of the Department of Automotive Technology, successfully defended his doctoral thesis. One of the main objectives of his research is to solve the traffic management problem of the highly automated transport system, to simplify the binary integer model without reducing the safety and reliability characteristics of the solution.


Collaboration with the team of Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Ltd. and ZalaZONE Research & Innovation

We were pleased to collaborate with the team of Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Ltd. and ZalaZONE Research & Innovation to participate in the creation of the following informative – scientific material. The short film is about secured communication between vehicles equipped with V2X technology.
It can be seen on the M5, Duna World channels, and on the YouTube link below on Novum TV channel.

A new publication of the Safety and Security group has published in the journal Vehicular Communications

Future transportation is expected to be connected, cooperative, and highly automated, posing new challenges for the automotive industry.

The Safety and Security Research Group at BME Automated Drive issued a new publication by authors Zsombor Pethő, Zsolt SZALAY, Ph.D. and Arpad TOROK focusing on safety matters of V2V communication, especially considering cyberattack-sensitive network performance and vehicle dynamics factors.

They have laid the foundations for a new test methodology, which allows the examination of safety and cybersecurity aspects together. This new concept will be applicable in the homologation and autonomous vehicle control as well.

Read the publication and learn more about the novel #SRI indicator and other #CCAM system safety factors here:

Developing the teaching capacities in the field of Electrical and Hybrid cars in Jordan

Vocational Training Diploma on Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles


The primary purpose of this project is to develop the teaching capacities in the field of Electrical and Hybrid cars in Jordan and bring together and strengthen the cooperation between companies and higher education institutions by empowering engineers with needed skills that meet the market need. This includes training specialized engineers who can work in servicing and maintaining electric vehicles in companies. Furthermore, vocational training centers are provided with qualified trainers to graduate qualified technicians that meet the market needs.

Companies are actively involved in the design of the teaching content in order to build a strong network in the field of electromobility. In addition, new learning methods and pedagogical approaches are used in this project to arouse the interest of the younger generations.


15th January 2021 – 14th January 2024


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


For further information and the list of partners please visit the website of ISEA.

Contact person:
Dr. Máté Zöldy ()

Transformation and Innovation

To complement the session on transformation at the V4 Chiefs of Defence Meeting, a display event entitled „Transformation and Innovation” enriched with presentations, demonstrations and dynamic elements was held in ZalaZONE industrial park, Zalaegerszeg on Monday, 13 June.

For more details, see:https://defence.hu/news/transformation-and-innovation.html

Printing a thin-wall metal optical grid

As part of our collaboration with BME, we have successfully printed optical gratings of metal with the Department of Atomic Physics, which can be used in automotive applications in the future. In several steps, the researchers succeeded in thinning printed walls on which the optical properties can be improved. The tilt of the grid walls is customized for each print, so the use of additive technology is particularly advantageous.

The first conference on BME ZalaZONE related R&I activities was held

The first conference related to ZalaZONE R&I activities was held on 31 March 2022 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Researchers presented their results in 4 different sessions. The diversity of the research areas related to the test track is well illustrated by the many presentations on different topics, ranging from research on different sensing systems, HD mapping issues, autonomous vehicle congestion management, advanced GNSS systems, to complex engineering tasks such as the presentation of a unique programmable traffic light system.

A conference publication was also produced from the submitted papers, which can be viewed at the link: ConfProceeding. All publications included in the proceeding can be found with their own DOI number at the link:  Conference Submissions