IVT at the Future Transport event!

It was an honour for the Innovative Vehicle Technologies Research Group to be invited to the Future Transport event, which took place in the framework of the Neumann Year at the Neumann University. The leader of the research group, Dr. Máté Zöldy, took part in a round table discussion with Dr. Barna Hanula and Virág Mészáros, among others, in front of an audience of more than 200 people. The future of transport will be electric, but not exclusively electric, concluded the panelists.

Our PhD students participated in the SAMI conference

In February 2023, our young doctoral colleagues participated in the 21ST world Symposium on Applies Machine Intelligence and Informatics, where they successfully presented papers on machine vision.

Károly Fodor compared two “State of the Art” visual SLAM algorithms on a low cost sensor system and presented his own data set for this.

Márton Cserni developed a new method: he presented a fast and efficient image segmentation algorithm by fusing neural networks and classical image processing.

We develop our competencies related to metal 3D printing in new collaborations

For years, the laser and additive technology research group has been developing its competencies in the field of metal 3D printing, for which we have a good opportunity to participate in projects with domestic partners that are related to specific applications. In a domestic tender launched a few months ago, research is being carried out on the topic of printing precision metal parts, building on previous results in cooperation with domestic universities, research institutes and corporate partners.

Research in additively manufactured maraging steel and titanium alloys

During the last year, the Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology Research Group has carried out significant research into the mechanical and structural properties of additively manufactured maraging steels and Ti6Al4V alloys. Our research was supported by market KFI and TKP grants. We examined the effects of different heat treatment profiles on the mechanical properties of […]

MIT has selected Hungary for its renowned innovation program

In the next two years, the university colleagues of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem will work together with MIT, one of the most respected technical universities in the world. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston’s entrepreneurial acceleration program aims to encourage international participants to work together, who can then more effectively help develop their own region. This gives Hungary the opportunity to become the world’s innovation frontrunner.

More details: https://kozlekedes.bme.hu/2023/01/16/magyarorszagot-is-bevalasztotta-neves-innovacios-programjaba-az-mit/

We’re going to Japan!

We are happy to announce that after the European regional round, the Security Technology Research Group of the Department and their students made it to the ESV SSTDC finals in Japan. This year, the group will represent Europe in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA competition.

The finalist topic is “Safety risk-based vehicle control system, using V2V communication, with special regard to network performance indicators and vehicle dynamics parameters”.

More information about the competition can be found at this link.

A legend comes to life again!

BME’s Competence Centre for Innovative Vehicle Technologies, in collaboration with Robert Bosch Kft. and Mouldtech kft, has embarked on an exciting project to develop the electric powertrain of the Alfa Tipo 184. Following the completion of this first prototype, tests are ongoing at the ZalaZONE test track to determine the next development tasks.

Participation at the AGTECO 2022 conference

Our department was represented at the AGTECO 2022 conference, organised by the NJE for the 23rd time on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Science. At the conference, our colleague Dr. József Hlinka presented the latest research results of our department entitled “Effect of changing manufacturing parameters on the mechanical properties of additively manufactured titanium parts“.


Generative design in metal printing (Students’ Scientific Conference, 2022)

In the case of additive manufacturing, generative design is a new tool that can better exploit the construction possibilities provided by 3D printing. In our department, we have been dealing with this methodology for a certain time, and our goal is to be able to involve the students as well. Some of the latest results of generative design solutions used in metal additive manufacturing were presented at the Students’ Scientific Conference on 17 November, 2022.

Three ministers visited ZalaZONE, which is also actively used and supported by BME

At the invitation of Dr. László Palkovics, Minister of Technology and Industry, Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, Minister of National Defense of Hungary, and Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák on the morning of Saturday, November 5 at it’s test track in Zalaegerszeg took a visit to our country’s best research and development infrastructure, the largest in Europe and one of the most modern in the world, .

László Palkovics said that this is not only a vehicle industry test track, but also one of the most developing innovation ecosystems in the world. “The government’s objective was to support the operation of the Hungarian automotive industry with the test track, but the test track began to attract other technical fields as well. Universities and researchers have appeared, two international companies are already building their own research institutes, and Rheinmetall’s new factory is also being built here,” said the Minister of Technology and Industry.

During the visit, Minister of National Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky explained that a very important part of military development is the knowledge built around the tools. In front of Rheinmetall’s future combat vehicle factory building, he added that the Zalazone experiences, knowledge and technology here are of particular importance in the development of the armed forces.

János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation, emphasized that an innovation environment has been created here, where universities, private companies, state developers and research institutes work together. He emphasized that Hungarian companies can be created or developed from innovations and research results that can enter the international market, or gain a greater role as domestic suppliers in the automotive industry and other industries.

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