The Innovative Vehicle Technologies Center was handed over

The Innovative Vehicle Technologies Competence Center, which is part of the Bosch innovation ecosystem, was handed over to the Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The tools and simulation systems of the new center are unique in Hungarian technical higher education. With the help of this new equiments, students can acquire up-to-date practical knowledge in addition to theory, in line with domestic and international industry trends and needs. The development carried out on the campus of the University – in connection with the BME KJK courses – in addition to the 60-80 university students per year, it also provides a modern space for the faculty’s instructors to support their professional work.

More details:

High school students visited the Department of Automotive Technologies

Eötvös High School grades 9-11. students visited the Department of Automotive Technologies on March 10, 2023, where they gained an insight into the work of all the department’s research groups. They listened to a lecture on automated environmental sensing and vehicle control, the safety of vehicle functions based on wireless communication, and accident analysis. They visited the newly created Bosch competence center and the assembly hall, and during an impromptu chemistry class, they saw a demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell technology and laser metal 3D printing.

We hope that after the exciting program, in a few years, we will welcome them among our students!

Dr. Máté Zöldy presented about the merge of mobility and artificial intelligence

The 1st Tunisian-Hungarian Research Day was organized by the Hungarian Embassy in Tunis, with four focus areas. Cognitive tools and approaches are reshaping one of the pillars of our society: the mobility. These tools increase efficiency and, if used consciously, can help make mobility more sustainable. In addition to presenting general trends, projects of leading Hungarian research laboratories (National Laboratory for Autonomous Vehicles, National Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence, SZTAKI, BME MIT, BME GJT) were also presented. We hope that more collaborations can be initiated through Research Day.

When can self-driving finally replace people driving skills? 💡

Among other things, this question was discussed in the Bitport CIO Club podcast, 🎙️ whose guest was Dr. Zsolt Szalay, head of the BME Automated Drive Lab.
If you are curious about where self-driving technology is now, how the layers of the smart infrastructure that communicate with cars are built on each other and what experts think about the skeptical opinions about self-driving, be sure to listen🎧 to the entire broadcast.

The full episode is available here:

EIT Hackathon – Green Ideation

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology organizes a large ideation workshop focusing on the raw materials sector (EIT RawMaterials), food industry and agriculture (EIT Food), and climate change (EIT Climate-KIC). The Hackathon is realized in cooperation with the Climate Innovation Community and the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts. With the help of Design Thinking trainers, students have the opportunity to get to know the user-centered approach to innovation, learn to use their design toolkit in such a way as to combine user needs, new technological possibilities and the conditions for business success in a single solution. During the workshop, they can improve their problem-solving and teamwork skills, while meeting and working with young people with similar interests, not only supporting the fight against climate change with their ideas, but also preparing for EIT’s business development programs, strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit.

Language of the program: Hungarian

Participation is free, but registration is required

The event is also available on social media.

For more information, please check the event brochure.

Audi and Bosch are good examples of automotive research and development in Hungary

Several series of articles examine the effects of the growing presence of battery production in Hungary related to the spread of electromobility. Máté Zöldy, head of the Innovative Vehicle Technologies research group, among several experts who spoke about real similarities and differences with the automotive industry, highlighted that several of the Hungarian subsidiaries of German companies carry out significant research and development in our country on an international scale.


Successful home defense of Ádám Nyerges

In the case of commercial vehicles, there are still many technologies competing to reduce the environmental impact of mobility. Ádám Nyerges, a researcher and instructor at the Innovative Vehicle Technologies Competence Center, presented his results related to the internal combustion engine in a successful workplace debate. Congratulations, Ádám, and good luck with the public defense!

Measurement campaign in the Piaci KFI project of Bosch and BME

During the realization of the Piaci KFI project by Bosch and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), a measurement campaign was organised at ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground.

The purpose of the measurements was to examine how the object detection performance of the camera was affected by the different mount positions behind the windscreen, especially the effect of windscreen distortions. During this measurement campaign, an enormous amount of data was captured. For that, a reference data measurement system, – which was developed and deployed during the Piaci KFI project – was used during the campaign. In the first step, test measurements were conducted for the verification of the reference measurement system. These tests involved the recording of additional data from the high-precision GNSS systems, deployed into the test vehicles of Bosch and BME. After the verification measurements, different standardised NCAP scenarios were realised and measured. The evaluation of the captured data is still in progress, with the help of a new evaluation software which was also implemented during the project.

#automateddrive #amsgroup

Nomination for the office of the year competition

The measurement preparation and evaluation space of the Innovative Vehicle Technologies Competence Center was nominated in the “Commercial space” category in the office of the year competition, together with the Bosch Innovation Center. The application highlights the original, valuable and pleasant environment that was created, and that it strives for the unity of practical aspects, innovation and sustainability.

KJK experts, Máté Zöldy and Márton Virt made a statement on Totalcar about the fuels of the future

Is there life beyond electricity? The intensive electrification of transport is a solution for some areas of mobility, but the current technology will not be able to fully replace petroleum-based energy sources – The collegues of the Innovative Vehicle Technologies research group discussed about the developement of new generation fuels on Totalcar.